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White Subway Kitchen Splash
Crisp white subway tile complements dusty blue walls for a refreshed look. This modern kitchen is ready for a new oven and vent hood!

New Prefinished Floor
This house is transformed into a cozy home with brand-new pre-finished flooring in a warm honey hue.

Completed Living Room
A completed room of carpet featuring a creative finishing vacuum pattern (just because!)

Kerdi Triton Waterpoofing
A custom shower in its initial phases of prep - making sure all seams are watertight.

Subway Backsplash
Tile shims ensure these grout lines hold at an even 1/8" thick as the tile sets, awaiting grout.

Spiral Carpeted Staircase
The installer carefully upholstered each step with this heavy berber carpet, and then re-mounted each onto the spiral framework.